White Coat Syndrome; A Reality Beyond the Myth. A review of the Literature

Author Details

Dr. M. A. Lopez-Ruiz

Journal Details


Published: 9 June 2018 | Article Type :


Introduction: White coat síndrome is not considered a real syndrome or disease it is phenomenon that occurs to patients when going to the doctor or going through the measurement of blood pressure when in the patient’s blood pressure figures are higher than the values taken at home. This event is due to multiple factors which influence the increase in the reading of blood pressure.
Methods: The aim of this search was to identify the most highly cited articles in the Medical literature to provide clinicians an adequate approach to this phenomenon when it is diagnosed. Articles identfied were reviewed for first autor, year of publicaton, Article name, Publisher and journal impact factor, article type, and number of citations.
Results: A number of 20 most-cited articles from a list of 167 journals were included in this study by research articles on topics such as Hypertension (cited 1450 times) and White coat (cited 568 times). The oldest paper with most citations was writen in 1988. 9 of the 20 top-cited articles were published in Hypertension, followed by Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Conclusion: This study identified the most frequently cited medical articles in the field of White-Coat Syndrome, published in journals indexed in Web of Science. Providing a resource to clinicians to guide them in the field of White Coat Hypertension and how to handle and treat it.
Keywords: White-Coat Syndrome, Hypertension,blood presure.
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How to Cite


Dr. M. A. Lopez-Ruiz. (2018-06-09). "White Coat Syndrome; A Reality Beyond the Myth. A review of the Literature." *Volume 1*, 1, 25-31